Public Engagement Meeting
Agenda Item 17
Subject: Written questions from members of the public.
Date of meeting: 7 April 2022
A period of not more than fifteen minutes shall be allowed for questions submitted by a member of the public who either lives or works in the area of the authority at each ordinary meeting of the Council.
Every question shall be put and answered without discussion, but the person to whom a question has been put may decline to answer. The person who asked the question may ask one relevant supplementary question, which shall be put and answered without discussion.
The following written questions have been received from members of the public.
10. QUESTION From: Ty Galvin
With ever present pressure on hospital beds, and growth of ‘Discharge to Assess’ schemes, what is the Council doing to ensure that vulnerable people and carers are never left without the support they need immediately on discharge from hospital?
Councillor Shanks, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Board will reply.